Managing your employees’ attendance using traditional processes like forms, excel sheets, and emails is difficult. 

Leave management is beyond merely approving leave. It also encompasses numerous features, including verification of the company’s leave policies, rules, and individual employee leave balances.

As the headcount increases, maintaining every employee’s record and processing leave while complying with organisation policy becomes complex and time-consuming.

Managing many leave requests manually would result in payroll errors, legal complications, and more. 

To resolve these challenges, you need advanced time & attendance software that streamlines the complete employee time tracking and leave management processes.

Let’s review a few essential features of an ideal online employee attendance and leave management system.

1. Alignment with the Organisation’s Leave Policy

Every organisation practices its own attendance and leave policies and procedures. Global organisations’ leave policies and holiday calendars vary depending on the location of the subsidiary, unit and department.

An ultimate time & attendance management system enables HR to configure specific policies pertaining to public and company holidays, half-day calculations, encashment, and other types of leave including casual, medical, and annual.

Once the alignment between the organisation’s leave policy and the time & attendance system is configured, the software automatically declines an out-of-the-policy leave request when employees submit their applications, allowing HR and team leaders to concentrate on productive activities. 

Advanced platforms including MiHCM allow you to configure department-wise hierarchy to streamline the approval workflow.

2. Managing & Updating Leave Balance

Manually tracking each employee’s leave history and balance to approving leave requests can be a nightmare and lead to many pitfalls.

It’s important to have a system that displays all the past leave applications, allowing both employees and HR and team leaders to check when required. 

This experience delivers transparency within the organisation and simplifies the e-leave management process.

3. Seamless Integration

You cannot ensure the data accuracy of your time attendance system if it is not capable of seamlessly integrating with other third-party applications and biometric devices, such as fingerprint scanners and face recognition attendance systems.

A time attendance software that seamlessly integrates allows you to gather data from a biometric device, access cards, or other devices that help you track your employees attendance accurately. 

This integration guarantees compliance with the company’s leave policies while reducing the HR department’s efforts involved in the manual processes.

While calculating bonuses, increments, allowances etc., HR should verify the employee’s leave and any late attendance. 

Manually checking the leave of each employee within the company is tedious. Therefore, HR should leverage a platform that integrates with the payroll provider and calculates attendance-related costs automatically. 

Overall, this ensures the elimination of payroll errors and calculations. 

4. Real-time Attendance Analytics

The ideal time and attendance software should generate accurate and powerful attendance analytics. This ensures a clear visual representation of your data, providing a platform that supports HR decisions. 

With real-time dashboards, HR and business leaders can precisely analyse workforce attendance and leave patterns. 

A leave management software powered by a mobile application supports employees and team leaders to maintain their leave conveniently.

5. Last but not least

For small and medium businesses, spreadsheets may seem pragmatic and simple for the HR team to manage. But, as the company grows, managing tasks of this nature demands more time. 

Processes including leave requests, approvals and rejections while synchronising leave with payroll can become overwhelming, especially if HR is required to handle these tasks manually.

This is why an advanced time attendance management platform is required. It enables the automation of these demanding and time-consuming tasks, making it easier for both HR and employees to manage attendance and leave more efficiently. 

Companies should understand that cloud and digital technology are inevitable and every legacy system should be replaced with this technology. 

Hence, this search and shop for a cloud platform that offers advanced features for your HR organisation needs to handle the company’s attendance and leave management processes more effectively.

Connect with today to learn how our platform manages from the simplest to the most complex attendance and leave requirements for your business.