We would like to ensure the privacy of all users of microimagehcm.com. To protect your privacy and to further clarify your concerns please feel free to go through the following information.

The Information we collect are registration forms, and special requests form on our site, which requires entering contact information such as Name, Address, Email, Telephone, Fax. Also when you send specific product/sales inquiries we update our information systems with respective contact information. Also, a few of our online surveys will need to furnish your contact information and other additional details which relates to your organization or your home. (Ex: No. of Employees Working, No. of PC’s available etc.)


What do we do with the Information?

We use this information to provide a superior service, better products with enhanced features and more personalized functions. We will also use this information to provide you information with regards to product upgrades, special offers, new products and other Microimage news. If you do not wish to receive this information please unsubscribe by following the instructions in the email message.


Security/ Confidentiality of Information?

MiHCM strictly protects the confidentiality/ security of your personal information. We protect your personal information from loss, misuse and alteration. MiHCM will not share, sell, trade or rent your personal information.


Cookies & Cookies usage

We track and understand users’ actions on our website including; navigation, the number of visits, downloads and search interests for a better understanding of our website visitors and their journey through the site. Please see our cookie policy on how we use and store cookies.


Information Collection And Use

While using our service, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to, your email address.

We collect this information for the purpose of providing the service, identifying and communicating with you, responding to your requests/enquiries, and improving our services.


Any Concerns?

If you have any concerns, questions or comments about our privacy policy please email us at privacy@michcm.com