MiHCM provides products and services to you on following Copyrights, Terms of Use and Trademarks. Please follow the copyright/ trademark notices for respective products for product specific legal notices.


All content included on this site such as text, logos, graphics, images, icons, audio/video clips, animations, news items, press releases, software and downloads is the property of MiHCM or it’s business alliance partners. International copyright laws protect all the content on this site. The content and the software on this site should be used for getting to know about MiHCM and it’s product/ services. You may not modify, reproduce, distribute, transmit, republish or display the content and related items on this site without prior written approval of MiHCM.


MiHCM logo is a registered trademark and all the other MiHCM product logos are trademarks of Microimage (Private) Limited and they are registered in Sri Lanka and other regional countries where the company operates. All the other trademarks or registered trademarks are properties of their respective owners.